Sunday, May 3, 2020

Week 11 Grade 3 May 4 - 8

3rd grade math games | Zapzapmath
Don't forget the Science Time for 3rd grade on WEDNESDAY. You can click on this link to join the Zoom session at any time from 3:00 to 4:00 and ask questions about this week's Science news or your assignments.

Your assignment:
Science is the way that we learn about the world. Our biggest questions on how things work, why things happen the way they do.

The biggest discoveries about the way the
universe works have started with someone thinking "why does this happen" or "how did that do that".

I want to know what is your biggest question about the way the universe works. It might be from the very smallest things like atoms or viruses. It might be about the very biggest things
like suns or galaxies. It could be about technology that we use every day or about a very rare animal or plant that you heard about.

Write your question starting

with "I wonder how..." or "I wonder why....". After you write your question, I want you to investigate it. Ask your computer by typing it into your browser. Sometimes the answers you get are hard to understand. Sometimes you can add "for elementary student" to your question to get simpler answers. Try it. Please enter your question and whatever you find out about it into a document and share it with me. Please add pictures if you can.

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