Sunday, May 10, 2020

Grade 3 Week 12 May 11-15

3rd grade math games | Zapzapmath
Don't forget the Science Time for 3rd grade on WEDNESDAY. You can click on this link to join the Zoom session at any time from 3:00 to 4:00 and ask questions about this week's Science news or your assignments.
Do you have Pic Collage installed on your computer? If so, please use it for today's assignment. If not, it is free to install if your parents would like to have it on your home computer.

You can also create a Google Doc or Slide and share it with me at the completion.

Please create a collage of your question from last week. The question you thought of was about how the universe worked. It was supposed to be about Science and a how or why question. Your collage should include:

  • At least 5 pictures of the thing your question is about
  • Your question
  • Some answers to your question that you have thought of or that other scientists have thought about
  • Find and include pictures of some scientists who have investigated your question

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