Sunday, March 22, 2020

Week 5 March 23-27

This Week

First, here's a link to a video with me telling you all about the news this week in Science just like as if you were sitting on my carpet in my classroom at school, take a look. (Yes, I am a Youtube star!) Don't forget you can see all the articles on the Weekly News blog site here.

Virtual Maker Faire
We would like to see all of the things you have made for the maker faire, I hope you have seen the message from Ms. Kress. Here it is again with the directions on what to do:

Virtual Maker Faire
Hi everybody! Since our Maker Faire was meant to be this week at school, I thought it would be great to share your maker projects online. If you made something at home as a solution to your grade level's sustainability goal challenge, post a video to our maker FlipGrid! Go to on you computer, or download the app and enter the code: 079f2f8b. (Login with your asm email) I will leave the flipgrid open for two weeks, so you can even start a project today. I can't wait to see what you've created!      -Ms. Kress

Please upload some information about your project so we all can see if you haven't already. I know some of you have already sent me some very cool pictures and videos.

Science Time
I am going to be attending some of your morning meetings this week to update you on a time set aside each week for each grade to be able to log into a meeting where you can ask questions about Science and what's going on in the world. You can always send me emails with questions but I thought it would be nice to have a Zoom meeting where we can see each other, ask questions and talk about Science. Hope you are as excited about that as I am, I can't wait to see you all.

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