Sunday, March 1, 2020

5th Grade Week 2 Mar 2-6


We have studied about food webs in the oceans. I would like you to consider the amount of water on Earth and where it is located.
  • Before you begin ... Consider these questions:
How much of the Earth's surface is covered with water?
How much of the water on Earth is fresh and how much is salty?
  • Make a graph that compares the percentage of the Earth's surface covered by land and by water. You can use any type of graph that you want. You will need to find out for yourself what the percentages are. Put the graph into a Google doc (if you don't know how to create a Google doc, you will have to do it on paper and turn it in when you come back.)
  • Make a graph that compares the percentage of freshwater and the amount of saltwater on Earth. You can use any type of graph that you want. You will need to find out yourself what the percentages are. Put the graph into (or onto) the same document as the last graph.
  • Sample graph types are on the right------------------->
  • Share the Google doc with me. If you used a piece of paper, take a picture of it and send it to me by email.

Things to think about

Look at these two pictures of Earth that I took from Google Earth:
Answer these questions in the same doc:

Can you explain why some people call Earth a water planet?

Where do most living things on Earth live do you think?

1 comment:

  1. i think they call it a water planet because our biggest resource is water
    I think that fish are one of the most living and they just go around some eating other small fish some eating plankton
