Sunday, March 29, 2020

Grade 3 Week 6 March 30 - April 3

3rd grade math games | Zapzapmath
Science Question time for 3rd Grade
Every Wednesday from 3-4:15 there will be a Zoom meeting for 3rd graders to ask questions about Science News or assignments. Just click on this link to join each week. If you can't attend during that time, send me an email with your question or join the Zoom meeting for 4th grade on Tuesdays at 3 or the meeting for 5th grade on Mondays at 3 and ask your questions there.

This week's news

Link to video for this weeks news

and to the website with the links to the articles

Please take a look at the links above for this week's science news. 


Please watch this short video

After you watch the video, please think of two living organisms, one plant and one animal. Create a diagram showing me the life cycle for your organisms, including all the stages (or pieces) of their life cycle - birth, growth, reproduction, and death. Hand in your diagram by either taking a picture and sending it to me or by sharing your document.

Grade 4 Week 6 March 30 - April 3

4th Grade Math: Fun Kids Games - Zapzapmath Home - Apps on Google Play
Science Question time for 4th Grade
Every Tuesday from 3-4:15 there will be a Zoom meeting for 4th graders to ask questions about Science News or assignments. Just click on this link to join each week. If you can't attend during that time, send me an email with your question or join the Zoom meeting for 5th grade on Mondays at 3 or the meeting for 3rd grade on Wednesdays at 3 and ask your questions there.

This week's news

Link to video for this weeks news

and to the website with the links to the articles

Please take a look at the links above for this week's science news. 

We are going to start learning about waves and how waves carry energy this week. Remember all the different kinds of energy we have studied about already? 

Please watch this introduction video first.

Then play with this simulation that you saw in the video. Change any of the settings that you want. Measure the amplitude and wavelength for a wave that you create.

When you are done, create a document, copy in a picture of the simulation and write the amplitude and wavelength of the wave that you measured in the simulation.

Grade 5 Week 6 March 30 - April 3

App Insights: 5th Grade Math: Fun Kids Games - Zapzapmath Home ...
Science Question time for 5th Grade
Every Monday from 3-4:15 there will be a Zoom meeting for 5th graders to ask questions about Science News or assignments. Just click on this link to join each week. If you can't attend during that time, send me an email with your question or join the Zoom meeting for 4th grade on Tuesdays at 3 or the meeting for 3rd grade on Wednesdays at 3 and ask your questions there.

This week's news

Link to video for this weeks news

and to the website with the links to the articles

Please take a look at the links above for this week's science news. 

For your assignment this week, we are going to start a new unit studying Chemistry and atoms. We are going to start out talking about atoms. Please watch this short video first.
                                            Link to atomic video

Assignment to turn in
Your job is to find another chemical in your everyday world that is also made of atoms, just like table salt is NaCl. Please find out what atoms make up your chemical by asking on the internet "what atoms are in ....." and inserting your chemical name into the sentence. Find a picture of the atoms in your chemical on the internet, copy a picture of your chemical and also of the atoms inside it and write a description of your chemical into a document and share it with me. Here is a list of some common chemicals that you could use if you are struggling to think of any, but please think of some of your own if you can.

Water                                   Wood                        
Bleach                                  Steel
Soap                                     Plastic
Alcohol                                Glass

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Week 5 March 23-27

This Week

First, here's a link to a video with me telling you all about the news this week in Science just like as if you were sitting on my carpet in my classroom at school, take a look. (Yes, I am a Youtube star!) Don't forget you can see all the articles on the Weekly News blog site here.

Virtual Maker Faire
We would like to see all of the things you have made for the maker faire, I hope you have seen the message from Ms. Kress. Here it is again with the directions on what to do:

Virtual Maker Faire
Hi everybody! Since our Maker Faire was meant to be this week at school, I thought it would be great to share your maker projects online. If you made something at home as a solution to your grade level's sustainability goal challenge, post a video to our maker FlipGrid! Go to on you computer, or download the app and enter the code: 079f2f8b. (Login with your asm email) I will leave the flipgrid open for two weeks, so you can even start a project today. I can't wait to see what you've created!      -Ms. Kress

Please upload some information about your project so we all can see if you haven't already. I know some of you have already sent me some very cool pictures and videos.

Science Time
I am going to be attending some of your morning meetings this week to update you on a time set aside each week for each grade to be able to log into a meeting where you can ask questions about Science and what's going on in the world. You can always send me emails with questions but I thought it would be nice to have a Zoom meeting where we can see each other, ask questions and talk about Science. Hope you are as excited about that as I am, I can't wait to see you all.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Week 4 March 16-20W

This Week in Science

You get to select what you are going to report about this week. At the top of this blogsite, you will see a tab that says weekly news. I want you to click on it (or click on this link) and look through the articles that you will
find there. Please select the one that you are most interested in and tell me about it in a couple of paragraphs. There will be a link inside by the picture that you can click on to go to the website that has the article itself or you can look on the web for more information. If you don't like any of the articles you see there, find your own on the web and tell me about it.

While you are there.....

Please look at the links on the side of the news web page and click on the links to see what the moon looks like in the sky this week and how earthquakes are going in the world. Lots more is happening than the coronavirus! Have you noticed the moon in the morning sky? Or seen Venus still shining bright in the evening sky?

Links to other pictures

Here are two links to some collections of photos - one of 30 stunning animal pictures

Monday, March 9, 2020

Week 3 March 9-13

It's Almost Spring Time!

If you have looked outside, despite everything else that is going on, springtime is arriving, even if not officially here. Your assignment this week is to investigate life around you. I want you to find
something outside that is waking up from its long winter sleep and investigate its life. Take pictures of either a plant that has started to grow or an animal that is starting to move around, take some pictures and then start finding out something about its life.

Create a document (either on a computer or a piece of paper), and fill it with information about your organism. I need details on how it starts life, how it grows, how it reproduces, what it does during the wintertime. Tell me about its life. Fill your document with pictures and information. Tell me about its food web, its environment, what kind of climate it likes best. Where does it live? Does it live in other places besides here in Milan?

Either share your document if it is on the computer, take a picture of it if it's on paper and email it to me, or keep it to share with me when you return.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

3rd Grade Week 2 March 2-6

Climate in Italy

We have talked about the difference between climate and weather. I would like to explore some things about the climate here in Italy for a discussion when we return. Please answer the following questions about the climate in Italy. PLEASE ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES ON A SHEET OF PAPER. Please save the paper and bring it with you when we return to school.

The climate in Italy is described as a Mediterranean-type climate. I have put a picture of a Mediterranean climate to the right.-------->

You will have to look up what that means in order to answer these questions.
  • Describe in complete sentences and in your own words what summers are like in a Mediterranean-type climate.
  • Describe in complete sentences and in your own words what winters are like in a Mediterranean-type climate.
  • Many of you are familiar with other climates around the world. Please tell me about the climates in at least one other place by telling what summers and winters are like there for their climates. How are they different than the summers and winters here?
  • We have talked about what climate change is and how we think the world is going through a major change in its climate. Can you find any information on what climate change might mean for Italy's climate? If you can, please describe what those changes might be.


4th Grade Week 2 March 2-6

Seeing energy

This week let's learn about seeing energy - light energy. We perceive (feel, sense) light energy with our eye. Either print out or redraw onto a piece of paper this diagram:
Using the word bank, fill in the boxes with the proper word.
Now let's look inside the eye: 
Either print out or redraw on the same piece of paper this diagram:

You will have to find the names of the parts yourself on the internet. See how well you can do! Save your diagrams to bring to Science when we return. Can you find out what these parts do to help you see?

5th Grade Week 2 Mar 2-6


We have studied about food webs in the oceans. I would like you to consider the amount of water on Earth and where it is located.
  • Before you begin ... Consider these questions:
How much of the Earth's surface is covered with water?
How much of the water on Earth is fresh and how much is salty?
  • Make a graph that compares the percentage of the Earth's surface covered by land and by water. You can use any type of graph that you want. You will need to find out for yourself what the percentages are. Put the graph into a Google doc (if you don't know how to create a Google doc, you will have to do it on paper and turn it in when you come back.)
  • Make a graph that compares the percentage of freshwater and the amount of saltwater on Earth. You can use any type of graph that you want. You will need to find out yourself what the percentages are. Put the graph into (or onto) the same document as the last graph.
  • Sample graph types are on the right------------------->
  • Share the Google doc with me. If you used a piece of paper, take a picture of it and send it to me by email.

Things to think about

Look at these two pictures of Earth that I took from Google Earth:
Answer these questions in the same doc:

Can you explain why some people call Earth a water planet?

Where do most living things on Earth live do you think?