Monday, February 24, 2020

5th Grade Week February 25-28

Maker Faire

Please be finishing up any projects that you are building at home for the Maker Faire. Although we don't know when it will actually take place (at least 2 weeks after we return), we want to be ready. Your posters will be finished the first week we are back. 

Your challenge is to design a solution to the problems facing the oceans of the world - overheating, acidification, over-fishing and/or pollution.

Activity for the week

We have watched the following two videos in class before but please watch them again to review, thinking about how the spheres on Earth interact. You will be doing an activity to show your understanding of the 4 spheres and their interaction to include in your Science journals when you return to school.
Answer these questions on a piece of paper that you will glue into your Science journal when you return. ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES WITH EXPLANATIONS!
  • How does the hydrosphere interact with the geosphere? How does the hydrosphere change the geosphere? How does the geosphere change the hydrosphere? Are the changes fast or slow? Please include diagrams if they help you explain.

  • How does the atmosphere interact with the biosphere? How does the atmosphere change the biosphere? How does the biosphere change the atmosphere? Are the changes fast or slow? Please include diagrams if they help you explain.


  1. hi Mr Fred i was wondering if we are haveing the maker fair still
