Monday, February 24, 2020

4th Grade Week February 25-28

Maker Faire

Please be finishing up any projects that you are building at home for the Maker Faire. Although we don't know when it will actually take place (at least 2 weeks after we come back), we want to be ready. Your posters will be finished the first week we are back. 

Your challenge is to design a solution to help developing countries have better access to clean (renewable) energy and/or information (the internet, phones, computers, etc.).

Activity for the week

We have been studying conservation of energy, that energy is not created or destroyed, only transformed (changed) from one type to another. Here is the website (click on the link to see the website) we looked at before on the different types of energy. Watch this video on how two bowling balls collide (you can turn off the sound, just watch the video).

Answer these questions on a piece of paper that you will glue into your Science journal when you return. ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES WITH EXPLANATIONS!
  • Why do the bowling balls collide the way that you saw? What surprised you in the video? Is this the way collisions happen that you have seen before?
Now watch this video of two people colliding.
  • How is this collision different than two bowling balls? How is it the same? EXPLAIN!
Consider two cars traveling towards each other and colliding head-on. Predict what you think happens. Consider energy, what kind of energy do the two cars have before they collide? What kind of energy did they have after they collide? Did it disappear? Since we know it can't be destroyed, where is the motion energy that the two cars had to start with?

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