Sunday, April 19, 2020

4th Grade Week 9 April 20-24

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Don't forget the Science Time for 4th grade on TUESDAY. You can click on this link to join the Zoom session at any time from 3:00 to 4:00 and ask questions about this week's Science news or your assignments.

This Week's Science News Video

This Week's assignment:
 Animals use their 5 senses to gain information about the world around them. 

Please fill in this table with the animal that uses the different senses the most. I have filled in bats as an example for you. 

Bats use their sense of hearing the most of other animals because they listen to echos of their voices to be able to fly at night and find insects. 
Can you think of animals for the other 4 senses like I did for the sense of hearing?
Now please describe each animal and how they use that sense more than other animals.
Please send me a copy of the table and your descriptions in a document or in an email.

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