Sunday, April 26, 2020

3rd Grade Week 10 April 27-30

3rd grade math games | Zapzapmath
Don't forget the Science Time for 3rd grade on WEDNESDAY. You can click on this link to join the Zoom session at any time from 3:00 to 4:00 and ask questions about this week's Science news or your assignments.

This week's Science News video is here

This week's assignment:

  • Watch this short video
  • Create a document and write the definitions for these words from the video
  1. adaptation
  2. environment
  3. characteristic
  • Now describe for me what happened to the peppered moth from the video using these words.
  • Share/email your document to me

4th Grade Week 10 April 27-30

4th Grade Math: Fun Kids Games - Zapzapmath Home - Apps on Google Play

Don't forget the Science Time for 4th grade on TUESDAY. You can click on this link to join the Zoom session at any time from 3:00 to 4:00 and ask questions about this week's Science news or your assignments.

This Week's Science News Video

This week's assignment:

  • Last week, you investigated the 5 senses.
  • We understand the world around us by gathering information with our 5 senses and sending that information to our brain, where we store memories, evaluate information, make decisions, and send signals to our bodies to act.
  • Watch this short video
  • In a document, please describe info from the world traveling through your eyes to your brain, into memory and then back out to your muscles to dodge a ball thrown at you. Use pictures from the internet in your document to show me the information flowing in and out.
  • Share your document with me.

5th Grade Week 10 Summary Atoms April 27-30

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Don't forget Monday's 5th Grade Science time at 3:00 Italian time - this is time for questions about Science News or your Science assignments - here's the Zoom link

This Week's Science News link

For your assignment, please watch this video first about atoms. Then do the following things:

  •  Watch Video Crash Course Kids - Matter link
  • Please write a story about a 5th grader who gets shrunk down to the size of an atom and explores water. Describe the trip through ice, liquid water, and steam, paying attention to how the atoms are behaving. What do they look like? How do they move? What happens to the 5th grader as he/she travels around the atoms?
  • Put your story in a document and share/email it to me.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

3rd Grade Week 9 April 20-24 Traits

3rd grade math games | Zapzapmath
Don't forget the Science Time for 3rd grade on WEDNESDAY. You can click on this link to join the Zoom session at any time from 3:00 to 4:00 and ask questions about this week's Science news or your assignments.

This week's Science News video is here

We are going to investigate the traits of some animals by looking at two graphs. 
This is a graph of the life spans of different animals. How long something lives (it's life span) is an inherited trait. 

  • Can you tell me the animal that lives the longest life? How long does it live?
  • Can you tell me the animal that lives the shortest life? How long does it live?

And this is the graph of the speed of some animals. Is this an inherited or taught trait?
  •  What is the fastest animal? How fast can it run?
  • What is the slowest animal? How fast can it run?

4th Grade Week 9 April 20-24

4th Grade Math: Fun Kids Games - Zapzapmath Home - Apps on Google Play

Don't forget the Science Time for 4th grade on TUESDAY. You can click on this link to join the Zoom session at any time from 3:00 to 4:00 and ask questions about this week's Science news or your assignments.

This Week's Science News Video

This Week's assignment:
 Animals use their 5 senses to gain information about the world around them. 

Please fill in this table with the animal that uses the different senses the most. I have filled in bats as an example for you. 

Bats use their sense of hearing the most of other animals because they listen to echos of their voices to be able to fly at night and find insects. 
Can you think of animals for the other 4 senses like I did for the sense of hearing?
Now please describe each animal and how they use that sense more than other animals.
Please send me a copy of the table and your descriptions in a document or in an email.

5th Grade Week 9 April 19-23 States of Matter

App Insights: 5th Grade Math: Fun Kids Games - Zapzapmath Home ...

Don't forget Monday's 5th Grade Science time at 3:00 Italian time - this is time for questions about Science News or your Science assignments - here's the Zoom link

This Week's Science News link

For your assignment, please watch this video first about atoms. Then do the following things:

  • In the simulation here, please investigate the three states of water - solid, liquid and gas. Play with the simulation for a while and then
  • Create a document and put pictures inside of the three states of water. 
  • Describe each picture by telling me about the temperature, what the molecules look like and what humans see when they look at water in this state without using a microscope - in other words what it looks like in our world, right now in your room when I take an ice cube, melt it and then boil it in a pan.

Monday, April 13, 2020

3rd Grade Week 8 April 13-17

3rd grade math games | Zapzapmath
Don't forget the Science Time for 3rd grade on WEDNESDAY. You can click on this link to join the Zoom session at any time from 3:00 to 4:00 and ask questions about this week's Science news or your assignments.

This week's Science News video is here


  • Watch this short video
  • Then, just like last week, think of some traits that you personally have, both inherited and taught. Make a document like last week. List
    them in this table again. If the trait is inherited, think about if it came from your father or mother. Then circle the inherited trait if it came from your mother, leave it uncircled if it came from your father.
  • Are the traits that you inherited exactly like your parents? Can traits change from one generation to the next?

4th Grade Week 8 April 13-17

4th Grade Math: Fun Kids Games - Zapzapmath Home - Apps on Google Play

Don't forget the Science Time for 4th grade on TUESDAY. You can click on this link to join the Zoom session at any time from 3:00 to 4:00 and ask questions about this week's Science news or your assignments.

This Week's Science News Video

This Week's assignment
Please watch this video on this site about color blindness

Then do the following:

  • Have you ever thought about what it is like to not be able to see color? We did an activity earlier this year about the parts of the human eye. Someone who is color blind has something wrong with their eyes and so can't see some colors.
  • Please make up a story and then write about a student who couldn't tell the difference between red and green. Think what their world would be like and then write about something that happened to that student because they couldn't see the difference. Maybe it's a good thing or maybe it's a bad thing but use the story to show how different their world is.
  • Make sure your story explains what color blindness is and has a beginning, a middle and an end.
  • Share the story with me in an email by sharing a document or by writing it in the email.

5th Grade Week 8 April 13-17

App Insights: 5th Grade Math: Fun Kids Games - Zapzapmath Home ...

I am sorry there wasn't a Science News Zoom this week because of the holiday but you can still see the video at

This Week's Science News link

For your assignment, please watch this video first about atoms. Then do the following things:

  • Build an atom with every proton, every neutron, and every electron there is in the simulation. Copy the picture into a document and tell me about it. Have you ever heard of it before? Is it stable or is it radioactive?
  • Now take out neutrons to make other kinds of the same atom. When is it stable and when is it unstable? (answer in the document you have created).

Sunday, April 5, 2020

3rd Grade Week 7 Traits

3rd grade math games | Zapzapmath
Don't forget the Science Time for 3rd grade on WEDNESDAY. You can click on this link to join the Zoom session at any time from 3 to 4:15 and ask questions about this week's Science news or your assignments.

This week's Science News video is here

First, please watch this short video
Then do the following:

  • On a piece of paper or in a document like a Google doc, please make a diagram like this:                                      it doesn't have to look exactly like mine.

  • Now try to think of as many traits of dogs that are taught or inherited as you can, separating them using the diagram above. Remember that the difference between the two is whether the instructions on the trait are carried by the dog or whether the parents have to teach the puppy how to do the trait. I'll give you an example of each that you can use to get you started. 
  • An example of an inherited trait is the fur color of a dog. No one has to teach a puppy what color to be.
  • An example of a trait that is taught is where a dog goes to the bathroom. A mother (or a human) has to teach a puppy where it is ok to urinate (pee) and where it is not ok.
  • Please share or send the document to me

4th Grade Week 7 Waves and Information

4th Grade Math: Fun Kids Games - Zapzapmath Home - Apps on Google Play

Don't forget the Science Time for 4th grade on TUESDAY. You can click on this link to join the Zoom session at any time from 3 to 4:15 and ask questions about this week's Science news or your assignments.

This Week's Science News Video

This Week's assignment
Please watch this video on waves and information
Then do the following:

  • Create a document where you paste in 2 pictures from this website showing combinations of red, green and blue light waves to make any other colors. In your document, describe how the light waves are carrying information to our brains.
  • You are challenged to show how white and black colors are created in our brains using red, green and blue colors. Create white and black using the same website, take pictures to prove you did it and post those pictures into your document.
  • Share or mail your document to me.

5th Grade Week 7 Atoms Part One

App Insights: 5th Grade Math: Fun Kids Games - Zapzapmath Home ...

Don't forget Monday's 5th Grade Science time at 3:00 Italian time - this is time for questions about Science News or your Science assignments - here's the Zoom link

This Week's Science News link

For your assignment, please watch this video first about atoms. Then do the following things:

  • You are going to build different kinds of atoms
  • You will hand in a document with information about at least 2 different kinds of elements.
  • Please take a picture of the elements that you make on this website, You can just click on the link to get there. I showed how to use the website in the Atoms video above
  • Put the picture of the elements into your document
  • Include the information that you research about your elements and include that information alongside the pictures in your document.
  • Send or share a copy of your document with me